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  Score: 91
Creating a Modern Trauma Center
ISBN: 978-3031665233, 374 pages, Hard Cover
ISBN-10: 3031665236
Copyright: 2024
Edition: 1st
Editor: Rogers, Selwyn O., Jr., MD, MPH, FACS
Specialties: Emergency Medicine , Trauma Surgery
Publisher: Springer
List Price: $159.99
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At A Glance

This book will provide the reader with an understanding of the journey the University of Chicago went through to develop a modern trauma center where there previously was nothing. In 2018, the University of Chicago Medicine opened a modern adult trauma center in an area that previously suffered from a relative lack of access to adult trauma care. It will chart a journey through the history on the South Side of Chicago and will provide an understanding of the proper needs assessment that goes into planning a new trauma center. It will describe the implementation of the multi-disciplinary teams needed to provide modern trauma care. It will then describe the effects of this trauma center and its future directions. As many places are struggling with caring for increasing levels of violence, there likely will be a need for others to go through a similar developmental process. Sharing the experience of the University of Chicago Medicine going from a non-trauma hospital to the busiest trauma center in Chicago, we hope that this book will provide some guidance

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