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Fields Virology - Volume 1: Emerging Viruses, 7th Edition
ISBN: 978-1-975112-54-7, 826 pages, Hard Cover
ISBN-10: 1-975112-54-7
Copyright: 2021
Edition: 7th
Editor: Howley, Peter M., MD; Knipe, David M., PhD; Whelan, Sean P. J., PhD
Specialties: Microbiology , Virology
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer
Two Commerce Square
2001 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
P: 800-638-3030 F: 301-223-2400
List Price: $139.99
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At A Glance
Now in four convenient volumes, Fields Virology remains the most authoritative reference in this fast-changing field, providing definitive coverage of virology, including virus biology as well as replication and medical aspects of specific virus families. This volume of Fields Virology: Emerging Viruses, Seventh Edition covers recent changes in emerging viruses, providing new or extensively revised chapters that reflect these advances in this dynamic field. Bundled with the eBook, which will be updated regularly as new information about each virus is available, including coronavirus and COVID-19, this text serves as the authoritative, up-to-date reference book for virologists, infectious disease specialists, microbiologists, and physicians, as well as medical students pursuing a career in infectious diseases.

This title includes an access code for the ebook version.