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Hoffbrand's Essential Haematology, 9th Edition
ISBN: 978-1-394-16815-6, 496 pages, Soft Cover
ISBN-10: 1-394-16815-2
Copyright: 2024
Edition: 9th
Author: Hoffbrand, A. Victor; Chowdary, Pratima; Collins, Graham P.; Loke, Justin
Specialties: Hematology/Oncology
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: $68.95
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At A Glance

The Essentials is an international, best-selling series of textbooks, all of which are designed to support lecture series or themes on core topics within the health sciences. See for further details.

The definitive introductory textbook on haematology, covering basic science, diagnostic testing, clinical features, and patient management

Hoffbrand?s Essential Haematology has helped medical students and trainee physicians understand the core principles of clinical and laboratory haematology for more than four decades. Original contributions by leading experts provide authoritative coverage of clinical and laboratory features and management within haematology, including the haematological aspects of systemic diseases, pregnancy, and the neonate. Hundreds of high-quality colour images illustrate various anaemias and white cell disorders, leukaemias, lymphomas and myeloma, bleeding and thrombotic disorders, and other blood diseases.

Now in its ninth edition, this classic textbook incorporates current knowledge of the pathogenesis of blood diseases, the 5th WHO (2022) classification of haematological neoplasms, the detection of minimal residual disease, advances in the treatment of benign and neoplastic blood diseases. New sections focus on the haematological consequences of COVID-19 infection and vaccine -induced immune thrombotic thrombocy-topenia (VITT). Additional and expanded chapters describe non-Hodgkin lymphomas, amyloid, and haemophilia.

Supported by a companion website with hundreds of MCQs and PowerPoint slides, Hoffbrand?s Essential Haematology, Ninth Edition, remains an indispensable resource for trainee haematologists and physicians.

Learn more and order here.