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Crowdsourcing Collection Development


Kristi Torp, MLS
Former Project Specialist

Carolann Curry, MLIS
Outreach & Data Coordinator

NNLM Region 5

Editor’s Note: This article is based on the lightning talk “Enhancing Collection Equity with the Diverse Voices Toolkit,” presented by Kristi Torp at the 2023 Medical Library Association (MLA)/Special Libraries Association (SLA) joint annual meeting in Detroit, MI.

In 2022, Region 5 staff of the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) created the Diverse Voices in Health & Medicine Collection Development Toolkit. This resource is designed to help libraries diversify collections, promote collection equity, and improve health outcomes. The NNLM, the external engagement and training office of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), partners with seven health sciences libraries throughout the United States. These Regional Medical Libraries (RMLs) fulfill the NNLM's mission to enhance public health and advance medical progress by ensuring equitable access to biomedical information for health professionals, researchers, and the public across the nation.

The Diverse Voices in Health & Medicine Collection Development Project was borne of a funding opportunity offered by NNLM Region 5, which serves the states of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California, and Hawaii, along with the U.S. Territories and Freely Associated States in the Pacific. The award aims to build collections that reflect voices in those communities and increase the presence of diverse voices in libraries of all types, including public health agencies, academic programs, and community organizations. Moreover, it enhances collection equity and supports health literacy by illuminating common or unique health issues facing underserved populations. To meet these objectives, in 2021, NNLM Region 5 funded 27 Collection Equity Outreach Awards to regional member organizations. Each organization was required to submit an application describing the organization’s community needs and goals for using this award to achieve greater equity in its collection.

Once awarded, member organizations purchased materials that supported the goals in their respective applications. As a requirement of the award, each member organization submitted a bibliography of purchased materials using a template provided by NNLM staff. Staff then compiled and deduplicated the materials, which resulted in over 1,400 unique resources across multiple genres and formats. The materials from these bibliographies then became the Diverse Voices in Health & Medicine Collection Development Toolkit, which reflects the unique and diverse health information needs of the communities in NNLM Region 5.

Creating the Toolkit

Region 5 staff created a master Excel file with all bibliography and contributing library information. The titles were deduplicated with variations in cataloging noted. For example, some duplicates had the same title but different ISBNs due to format variations, such as eBook, hardcover, or first editions. We chose to standardize to the 13-digit ISBN and default to paperback over hardcover. When awardees indicated the book was an eBook, staff noted that with the ISBN.

Staff classified the materials into subjects using Collection Equity awardees’ stated subjects or topics as an initial starting point. We chose not to use standard cataloging system subjects, such as NLM’s Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) or Library of Congress subject headings (LCSH), but instead, use terms that are commonly accepted and browsable. This was the most time-consuming and difficult part of the process due to variations in the submitted topics and subjects. Additionally, many of the books required content analysis to refine the subject terms. Staff made every effort to be sensitive to preferred terms for diverse groups. We also sought and incorporated feedback from industry professionals within NNLM for subject terms. We chose to keep author names as submitted, which meant variations in middle initial usage and statement of role such as author or editor. Because zines are ephemeral in nature, the Zine Collection submissions included links to the distributor rather than to the titles. For the final version of the collections made available to the public, staff chose to create a series of searchable PDFs for the toolkit due to their ease of use and accessibility.

After finishing the toolkit, Region 5 staff created promotional resources such as graphics and posters.

Image 1: Promotional graphic for Diverse Voices in Health & Medicine Collection Development Toolkit

The toolkit was shared with NNLM staff and promoted to NNLM members through NNLM’s communication channels and with NNLM partner organizations. Region 5 staff also sponsored a student from member organization San Jose State University’s BIPOC Become Librarians program to create an infographic for the toolkit.

Image 2: Infographic showcasing the toolkit.

Lessons Learned

Region 5 staff gained several valuable insights while creating this toolkit. Although a template for bibliographies was provided, we found that requesting standardized ISBNs, title case formatting, and a column for recommended age ranges would have significantly reduced editing time. Additionally, we observed that having staff members proficient in Spanish greatly facilitated translation and title case adjustments. Their knowledge of regional Indigenous peoples was also instrumental in accurately classifying subjects.

For future awards, Region 5 staff will continue to encourage awardees to identify materials that best reflect their communities. This will look different depending on the organization and its community. For example, one university found that zines best supported their health outreach goals, but another chose to develop a graphic medicine collection. Additionally, highly specialized collections may require more work to acquire, such as books for Alaska Natives, which are unavailable on Amazon but were sourced from small, local publishers.

Ultimately, the Diverse Voices in Health & Medicine Collection Development Toolkit represents a significant step forward in diversifying library collections and promoting health equity. Developed by NNLM Region 5 staff, this resource emerged from a funding initiative aimed at reflecting the voices of underserved communities through a wide range of genres and formats. The toolkit's creation involved meticulous efforts to compile, standardize, and categorize over 1,400 unique resources, emphasizing sensitivity to diverse groups and community-specific needs. The project underscores the importance of collaboration, adaptability, and the inclusion of feedback from industry professionals and diverse colleagues. As Region 5 looks to the future, lessons learned from this initiative will guide ongoing efforts to support health literacy and equity, ensuring that library collections remain vital resources for all communities.

Funding Disclosure: This work is supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH), under Cooperative Agreements UG4LM013725. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

DCT Featured Article – August 13, 2024

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