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Customer Service

Doody's Review Service (DRS) is published by Doody Enterprises, Inc. Below are answers to Frequently Asked Questions about DRS and this site. If you do not find the information you need here, please contact for questions related to customer service. Sales questions should be directed to

If you have a question related to the purchase or availability of any of the titles found in Doody's Review Service, please contact your medical book distributor. Doody Enterprises, Inc., has no connection with the commercial sale of any of the titles appearing on this site.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. How much does DRS cost?
  2. How can I order DRS?
  3. Can I sample the service before purchasing?
  4. Does the subscription price of DRS include Doody's Core Titles?
  5. How can I change my e-mail address?
  6. How can I change the specialties that are in my Weekly Literature Update?
  7. I haven't received my Weekly Literature Update for a while. Why?
  8. How often do you add new titles to the database?
  9. Who are your reviewers?
  10. Where do Doody's Star Ratings� come from?
  11. Do you ever publish "bad" reviews?
  12. Can I purchase titles through DRS?
  13. Can I add users to my institution's DRS account?

  1. How much does DRS cost?

    An annual subscription to DRS costs $495 and allows up to 5 librarians from an institution to have their own personal account. The fee for additional librarians is $52.50 / librarian during the subscription year.

  2. How can I order DRS?

    You can order and pay for DRS directly at this site. Payment can be made by credit card or check. You can also order through your subscription agent.

  3. Can I sample the service before purchasing?

    Prospective subscribers are eligible for a free, no obligation 30-day trial.

    Start your free trial.

    Once you start your trial, please be sure to customize your specialty profile as your profile determines which titles are included in your Weekly Literature Update. Subscribers indicate that the Weekly Literature Update e-mail is the most popular and useful feature of the service.

  4. Does the subscription price of DRS include Doody's Core Titles?

    Yes! Doody's Core Titles is fully integrated into the Doody's Electronic Journal website. Users can access core titles information through the DRS System Tools or the Doody's Core Titles section of the DRS website.

    Please Note: Doody's Core Titles information is not available for trial users.

  5. How can I change my e-mail address?

    To edit your user information (including your email address), click here.
    If you are not logged in, you will be asked for your user name and password and then directed to the "Update My Account" page.

  6. How can I change the specialties that are in my Weekly Literature Update?

    To edit your specialty profile, click here.
    If you are not logged in, you will be asked for your user name and password and then directed to the "Update Specialty Profile" page.

  7. I haven't received my Weekly Literature Update for a while. Why?

    We publish the Weekly Literature Update every Friday at the web site and transmit it by e-mail to every subscriber who has selected specialties for his or her profile. If you are getting your update at the web site but not via e-mail, we may have a bad e-mail address for you in the system (to correct this problem, click here to edit your user information).

    If your email address is correct, the Weekly Literature Update may be being filtered into a Spam folder. Please make sure that you add to your address book or list of approved senders.

    If you are still not receiving your Weekly Literature Update, please email us at Please include your name, institution, email address (the one at which you should be receiving the Weekly Literature Update) and email service provider (i.e. Name of institution, Hotmail, AOL, etc...).

  8. How often do you add new titles to the database?

    Every week we add information about new book and software titles we have received, as well as new expert reviews that we have received and edited. Each year we receive approximately 3,000 new book and software titles from our participating publishers and add each of them to our database. We publish our expert reviews on approximately 2,000 of the new titles each year.

  9. Who are your reviewers?

    Since we launched Doody's Book Review Service™ in 1993, more than 5,000 academically-affiliated clinicians have written reviews and completed a ratings questionnaire for the books and software titles we have reviewed. The reviewer's name and affiliation appear with each review.

  10. Where do Doody's Star Ratings® come from?

    Unique to the review process is the star rating assigned to each review. The stars correlate to the numerical ratings derived from the ratings questionnaire completed by the reviewer in the course of assessing the title. The questionnaire highlights 16 different elements (such as the authority of the authors, and the quantity, currency, and pertinence of the references) of the title. The rating system helps ensure that each review is as fair and as objective as possible. The star rating system allows Doody's Book Review Service™ to incorporate quantitative and qualitative analysis in its reviews. Each review includes the full questionnaire along with the numerical rating and star rating.

  11. Do you ever publish "bad" reviews?

    Certainly, although, as can be expected, most titles fall into the 3-star range. Approximately 5% of all titles reviewed receive 5 stars and 5% receive 1 star. Another 20% receive 4 stars and 20% two stars. The remaining 50% receive 3 stars.

  12. Can I purchase titles through DRS?

    No. Doody Enterprises has no connection with the commercial sale of any of the titles in its database. To purchase any title, we recommend you contact a medical book wholesaler or the publisher of the title.

  13. Can I add users to my institution's DRS account?

    If your user account is designated as an Account Manager, Administrative Contact, or Billing Contact, you can add and delete users from your institution's account. All Account Manager functions related to your account are accessible after logging in under the "Account Management" navigation menu heading. If you are set up as the Account Manager, Administrative Contact or Billing Contact for your account click here to manage your account users.